
Gut reaction: how immunity ramps up against incoming threats

30 January 2020 A new study has revealed how the gut’s protective mechanisms ramp up significantly with food intake, and at times of the day when mealtimes are anticipated based on regular eating habits. Professor Gabrielle Belz (left)…

On-shore commercial manufacture and wider subsidy for CAR T-Cell therapy

28 January 2020 Peter Mac welcomes today’s announcements that will enable Australia’s first on-shore commercial manufacture of CAR T-Cell therapy, and lead to wider subsidised access to this treatment. Cell Therapies Pty Ltd, a company situated at Peter…

Doherty Institute scientists first to grow and share Wuhan coronavirus

29 January 2020 Scientists from The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (Doherty Institute) in Melbourne have successfully grown the Wuhan coronavirus from a patient sample, which will provide expert international laboratories with crucial information to help…

R&D tax set for Senate showdown

28 January 2020 By Denham Sadler, Senior Reporter Government cuts to the research and development tax incentive (RDTI) are set for a Senate showdown next week and is expected to be referred back to the same committee that rejected…

Melbourne’s award-winning cancer treatment device

23 January 2020 Radiation oncology specialist, Chuan-Dong Wen has spent five years developing a device which is offering hope to cancer patients. He accepted the ‘Inspiration of the Year’ Award at the 26th National iAwards. by Georgina Jerums |  23 Jan…

CSIRO to support nation’s bushfire rebuild

29 January 2020 CSIRO, Australia’s national science agency, has welcomed its role in delivering practical resilience measures in relation to bushfires and climate change, as the country faces continued extreme fire weather in the future. Announced by Prime…

On-shore commercial manufacture and wider subsidy for CAR T Cell therapy

28 January 2020 Peter Mac welcomes today’s announcements that will enable Australia’s first on-shore commercial manufacture of CAR T-Cell therapy, and lead to wider subsidised access to this treatment. Cell Therapies Pty Ltd, a company situated at Peter…

Genetic drivers of myeloproliferative diseases revealed – WEHI

24 January 2020 Dr Melissa Call, Associate Professor Matthew Call, and Dr Jessica Bridgford led the study at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute. Institute scientists have revealed seven new genetic mutations that cause myeloproliferative diseases – chronic…

One step closer to understanding cancer-fighting immune cells

23 January 2020 Researchers discover that protective immune cells are not created equally This article first appeared in Science in Public. Personalised treatment of cancers has moved one step closer, thanks to University of Melbourne researcher Dr Susan Christo. Increasingly,…

Melbourne start-up Navi Medical Technologies receives $400,000 through Accelerating Commercialisation grant to develop pediatric medical device

30 January 2020 Navi Medical Technologies, a Melbourne based start-up company with ambitions to help critically ill newborns, has recently been awarded $396,452 in funding according to a recent media announcement from The Hon Karen Andrews MP, the Minister for Industry, Science…

Melbourne – A Heartland City in a New Decade

30 January 2020 Poised for Rockstar status as a Science & Technology Biomedical cluster Every year the Global Innovation Index ranks the innovation performance of around 130 economies globally. The picture from the Global Innovation Index reflects that…

Adoption and Diffusion of Disruptive Technologies:The Case of 3D Printing in the Medical Device Industry

28 January 2020 Australia has hosted several innovations in the 3D printed medical device industry, however widespread adoption and diffusion is quite low. This two-year project, funded by RMIT University provides analysis of the industry, its stakeholders (i.e. surgeons, patients,…


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