Do you want to understand and access the Victorian (Australia) health and medtech ecosystem to support with your product development?
But unsure how or where to begin?
Find the right partners in Victoria to support you on your journey.
You’re invited to register for this high-value opportunity with the Victorian health/medtech sector.
This Trade Mission is an opportunity to be connected to the Victorian Service Sector ecosystem, (healthtech/medtech service providers) that underpins the medical device translation and commercialisation activities in Victoria. Service providers that can help you, including:
- Clinical trial providers
- Product design/development and commercialisation service providers
- Regulatory and international market development stakeholders
- Legal, IP Specialists
- Market strategy and development organisations
- Prototyping and other advanced manufacturing organisations
- Investors
As a first step in connecting the Singaporean/Asia Pacific and Victorian ecosystems it will serve as a starting point to develop relationships and deepen connections and collaboration opportunities into the future.
This program of events will be a starting point for relationship and business development, it will be a hybrid program of events (in person and online) including:
- Bioforum – ONLINE – mid/late-September 2022 – A 1.5-hour introductory forum followed by a Q&A. This forum will showcase how the Victorian and Singaporean ecosystems operate and explain who the key players are within your sector.
- Bioforum – ONLINE – October 2022 – What sort of support can Singaporean startups and businesses expect from Victorian service sectors? How can this be accessed? What are the needs and expectations of regional startups from a support sector? We’ll share a case study from a successful company who’s effectively navigated this process with success.
- SWITCH Conference (25 to 28 October 2022) – IN PERSON (limited places available) – liaison between participating companies from Victoria to visit to Singapore. This will include an Invest Victoria networking event.
- Networking – IN PERSON – October 2022 – Networking session 2. Trade Mission partners and participants will be invited to attend a private networking event in Singapore.
- Bioforum – ONLINE – November 2022 – A 1.5-hour forum followed by a Q&A. This event will be tailored to ensure it meets the requirements and needs of participants that are highlighted from the visit to Singapore.
For further information, click here.
Register your Expression of Interest