Optiscan Establishes US Commercial Operation in Minnesota

Posted: 4 April 2023

Optiscan Imaging Limited is pleased to announce the establishment of a new commercial operation in the United States.

The expansion includes the formalisation of Optiscan Imaging, Inc. as a standalone US legal entity, along with new business premises, regional leadership, operational, constitutional, and taxation obligations. The Company’s US office will be based in Minnesota, specifically within a medical innovation precinct with entities that specialise in MedTech, medical devices, and precision engineering.

The establishment of a direct market model within the US follows a period of consultation with multiple biotech and medtech advisory firms, potential device distributors, and close collaboration with industry associations such as the Medical Alley, a world-leading business accelerator, with over 800 partner organisations across health and innovation including Boston Scientific, Medtronic, GE Healthcare, Phillips, Mayo Clinic, Allina Health, Medica and Minnetronix Medical.

Optiscan CEO and Managing Director, Dr. Camile Farah said, “The decision to establish a US commercial operation in Minnesota follows a period of considered review and analysis of various business models, commercial structures, and healthcare ecosystems.

The pursuit of a direct market model reflects our future growth aspirations, which includes development of new devices for large addressable markets, and the anticipated adoption of our unique slide-free, biopsy-free technology. Our partnership with, and membership of, the Medical Alley and new commercial hub in Minnesota, puts Optiscan at the epicentre of health innovation and care, aligning well with our objective of establishing a new standard of digital pathology and precision surgery across the North American region.”

Medical Alley Vice President of Innovation, Frank Jaskulke commented, “We are delighted to be partnering with Optiscan and helping them establish a scalable US operation. Their technology is both unique and groundbreaking, with the potential to make an enormous difference to healthcare professionals and patient outcomes. We look forward to seeing Optiscan’s contribution within the MedTech innovation epicentre of Minnesota, their development across the United States, and benefit to clinical and patient outcomes with their technology, which will be significant.”

Further updates regarding business operations and hiring of personnel will be provided in due course.

Find out more and read full announcement.


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