The BioMelbourne Network Board was delighted to welcome David Herd as new Board Director at the most recent board meeting.
“BioMelbourne is a very active and positive contributor to shaping many aspects of our Industry and I am honoured to join the Board of the Network and very much looking forward to meeting and engaging with its fellow Directors.”
David Herd, Director, Market Access and CGA, Australia and Head of Communications and Government Affairs, Intercontinental, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
David Herd has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years, a period which has seen the industry environment significantly change. David has been at the forefront of helping GSK to adjust to these changes, including earlier in his career helping to shape and establish a regulatory infrastructure within Central Eastern Europe, overseeing change management in the International Regulatory Affairs services from within the company, part of leadership teams managing and leading change strategies linked to mergers and significant business structural changes. More recently, he has represented Medicines Australia in a variety of committees and negotiations in helping to shape the future market access and government policy environment.
David was also involved in the establishment of one of GSK’s key NGO community partnership projects – PHASE (Personal Hygiene and Sanitation – for Primary Schools). The program delivers low-cost education helping to reduce diarrhoea-related disease. Starting in Africa, PHASE now operates in eight countries – Bangladesh, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Nicaragua, Peru, Mexico and Tajikistan.
Within GSK, David provides leadership and environmental strategic advice to all businesses within the GSK family, including Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines, Consumer Healthcare, Manufacturing and the subsidiary of GSK, ViiV Healthcare Environment, the Company’s HIV medicines supplier.
Recently, David has extended his role to several Asia markets including responsibilities for market access, as well as communications and government affairs.
David currently serves as an industry member on the Medicines Australia (MA) – Advisory Council and the Access to Medicines Working Group. He also serves in an advisory capacity on the BioMelbourne Manufacturers Advisory Group and the Monash, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences – Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, Advisory Group.