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Victorian Medtech Skills and Devices Hub


Member Contact: Linda Somerville

Position: Industry Engagement Manager

Industry: Industry Support Services

Company Profile:

The Victorian MedTech Skills and Devices Hub (VMH) is a Victorian Government-funded initiative to support and accelerate the growth of Victoria’s medical technology sector by removing the barriers to growth associated with a lack of access to local production facilities, funding and a practically trained workforce in MedTech device product development and manufacturing.

The VMH offers a new model of workforce training and development, collaborating with industry and academia to address the crucial skills education gaps to build future-ready education and training opportunities to create job-ready graduates and more specialised MedTech professionals to boost MedTech manufacturing for Victoria.

The VMH is supported by the Victorian Government’s Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre (AMMC) and delivered by a consortium led by The University of Melbourne and including Swinburne University of Technology, RMIT University, and the Aikenhead Centre for Medical Discovery (ACMD).


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