Melbourne merger for a united vision and stronger Victoria

Posted: 16 July 2024

We are delighted to announce that Committee for Melbourne and Melbourne Chamber of Commerce intend to come together to create a stronger voice to advocate for the future of Greater Melbourne. The expanded Committee for Melbourne will sit under the umbrella of the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

As two proud organisations, we have a long and successful history of advocating for a better future for Melbourne and a stronger Victorian state. Out decision to come together has been driven by our shared values and goals to see one united, vision and voice, that benefits all Victorians.

Together we are stronger

With Greater Melbourne set to reach six million and already Australia’s largest city, we strongly believe that it is time for our business, education, creative arts and not for profit leaders to work closely together.

This merger, vis asset transfer, is a fundamental step in the right direction in making this happen.

By combining the strengths, expertise, adn resources of both organisations, we will have greater ability to shape and affect policy, ideas, and initiatives across a number of a key areas for Melbourne such as liveability, urban planning, infrastructure, and the future economy.

This means the Melbourne Chamber of Commerce will come together with the existing Committee for Melbourne’s members to create a larger single organisation and member portfolio under the Committee for Melbourne’s members to create a larger single organisation and member portfolio under the Committee for Melbourne name. The new Committee for Melbourne will form part of the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

In keeping with the integrity, value, and spirit of our respective organisations, we will ensure that the interests of all members continue to be represented, reinforcing our commitment to making Greater Melbourne a vibrant and thriving environment for both businesses and the broader community.

The membership of the newly expanded Committee for Melbourne will have access to the full suite of the Victorian Chamber’s services.

Next steps

Over the coming months, we will work diligently to integrate our operations, teams, and cultures to ensure a seamless transition. All staff members will continue in their critical roles, advancing the interests of greater Melbourne and Victoria.

We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to the journey ahead.

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