Calls to back the health industry for Victoria’s future

26 September 2018

BioMelbourne Network has called on all parties to commit to making the health industry a top economic priority for Victoria and developing a whole of government economic development strategy for the sector.

The health industry – the industrial sector encompassing biotechnology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals and digital healthcare that enables research and development as well as design, manufacture, production and delivery of healthcare products, technology and innovation into the healthcare system – already contributes more than $12 billion each year to the Victorian economy.

Health industry leaders are calling on candidates in the upcoming state election to realise the potential of the industry by committing to deeper strategic partnerships between health, research, business and government and facilitate industry development aligned with future healthcare needs.

BioMelbourne Network is challenging state election candidates to adopt initiatives that make the health industry a top economic priority for Victoria, including:

  • establishing the Office of Health Industry to prioritise economic development in Victoria’s health industry
  • creating a Health Industry Hub to drive a culture of commercialisation and innovation
  • increasing clinical trial activity in Victoria by 50% over five years
  • boosting health industry advanced manufacturing by 50% over 10 years.

“The health industry in Victoria is extremely vibrant but factors such as our size and location mean that support is essential to help the industry realise its full global potential,” said BioMelbourne Network CEO, Dr Krystal Evans.

“Our initiatives put the health industry front and centre in Victoria’s economy and an Office of Health Industry will ensure that Victoria is Australia’s number one destination for overseas investment and the establishment of new high-value manufacturing opportunities.”

“Right now, we have an opportunity to transform the Victorian economy and shape the future of health and all parties at this election must make a commitment to ensure that we are building this future industry for Victoria,” she said.

Eleven health industry peak bodies, including BioMelbourne Network, have endorsed a joint statement encouraging all parties contesting the 2018 state election to adopt positions that recognise and develop the health industry as an economic priority for Victoria.

The joint statement, along with more details on BioMelbourne Network’s state election priorities, is available at

Download the media release (PDF, 251 KB)


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