Kynetyka’s DVTect technology secures Canadian patent

Posted: 9 December

Kynetyka Technologies Pty Ltd, a privately held Melbourne-based medical device company, is pleased to announce that it has received a Notice of Acceptance in support of the Canadian patent, “A screening test for detection of deep vein thrombosis”, for its DVTect technology.

Kynetyka Executive Directors Xenia Sango and Craig Newton are excited with this achievement as it represents another important milestone for Kynetyka and DVTect, building on the granting of the Australian patent in November 2020, the USA patent in August 2021 and the New Zealand patent in February 2022. “Securing patent protection in Canada and the USA opens up the opportunity for patients and their carers across North America to access DVTect – the easy early screen for DVT.

We are pushing hard to optimize the technology in conjunction with our Australian development partners and look forward to announcing and reporting on further clinical development milestones as they are achieved”

The proprietary DVTect technology is designed to detect abnormalities of the calf muscle as a predictor of DVT. The technology underpinning DVTect is based on an analysis of oscillometric waveforms generated in the calf muscle.

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