Please note – registrations for this event have now closed. Any queries, please contact Jo O’Brien – or 0437 440 267.
In Person guests are invited to join us for a networking session from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.
This event will be available to attend in-person and virtually. Read more about our COVID-Safe Practices below.
About The Event
During the national response to the pandemic, Australia has shown decisiveness and ingenuity in leveraging its existing base of capabilities. Over this time, gaps and weaknesses inherent in our ecosystem have also come to light.
We are now faced with a genuine opportunity to strengthen Australia’s Sovereign capabilities for BioPharma by leveraging and building on our existing base, raising awareness of our weaknesses and harnessing existing opportunities to ensure we are prepared for the future. The driving question should look beyond what we are missing today, but what is needed for the future to ensure Australia is leading the way.
By doing so, we can boost capabilities in product development, clinical trials and scaled manufacturing, reduce our exposure to global supply chain challenges and strengthen our biosecurity. The end result is an increased economic value add of the health industry to the Victorian and broader Australian economies.
This BioBriefing will shine a light on advanced manufacturing for the BioPharmaceutical sector in Australia.
Event Details
Date (AEDT): Tuesday 16 March 2021
Time (AEDT): 4:00pm – 5:30pm Presentations and Q&A (in person & virtual)
5:30pm – 6:30pm Networking (in person only)
Venue: Swinburne Studio, ACMI. Federation Square, Melbourne, VIC, 3000
Format: (virtual): An access link will be provided prior to the event date
In Person: Members: $75; Non-members: $150
Virtual: Members: $35; Non-members: $45
Unsure if your organisation is a member? Check our member directory
Guest Speakers
Gyanam Sadananda, Director, PwC
Rachel Jensen, Director, Centre for Biopharmaceutical Excellence
Max Rossetto, General Manager, Business Development, Luina Bio
Associate Professor Dominic Wall, Chief Scientific Officer & Interim Chief Executive Officer, Cell Therapies Pty Ltd
Dr Leigh Farrell, Head of Health Security, DMTC Limited
Thank you to the State Government of Victoria for sponsoring this event

Thank you to PwC for their contributions

Our COVID-Safe Practices
In line with current COVID-19 restrictions in Victoria and ACMI’s COVID-Safe plan, in-person ticket allocation for this event is limited and adheres to the current Government restrictions applied to indoor event spaces. To keep BioMelbourne Network events safe for our members and the greater Victorian community, this event will include measures such as physical distancing, QR code check-in and enhanced hygiene and sanitation processes. Further details will be made available to registered guests via our event webpage and final confirmation email.
Guests Attending In-Person
Each attendee is asked to do a symptom self-assessment prior to leaving home. We ask that you DO NOT attend this event in-person if you are feeling unwell, have any symptoms of COVID-19, are awaiting results of a COVID-19 test or are required to self-isolate or quarantine at the time of the event. Symptoms of COVID-19 include cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue and shortness of breath. If you cannot attend in-person for these reasons, you may receive a full refund or partial refund plus virtual ticket. We ask that all in-person attendees act in a considerate and respectful manner towards our speakers, fellow guests, ACMI staff and BioMelbourne Network staff:
· On arrival, all guests must scan in via the QR codes displayed at the venue entrance.
· Maintain adequate physical distance between yourself and others, where possible.
· Refrain from unnecessary physical contact, such as hand shaking.
· Minimise movement by staying within your allocated spaces or seats, where practical.
· Observe all COVID-Safe signage and practices at the venue.
· Adhere to requirements for face covering, observe cough etiquette and personal hygiene measures.
Although masks are not currently required indoors at ACMI, we encourage all guests to wear a mask when adequate physical distance from others cannot be achieved.
Gyanam Sadananda, Director, PwC
Gyanam Sadananda is an experienced strategy Director. At PwC, Gyanam works across our government and health clients, as well as leads the circular economies working group in NSW, bringing together multidisciplinary experts from across the firm to address intricate challenges in the sector and adjacent areas. Most recently, Gyanam led PwC’s review of the National Medical Stockpile with a key focus on policy objectives, local manufacturing and supply. She has worked on numerous other large scale government and healthcare projects delivering positive impacts for many Australians. Gyanam has worked internationally and in Australia and is adaptable to various cultural settings.
Rachel Jensen, Director, Centre for Biopharmaceutical Excellence
Rachel Jensen has over 20 years of experience across the biotech industry in commercial operations, strategic compliance and business management. As a Director at CBE, she provides specialised consulting services that assist organisations with strategy and commercial development.
The Centre for Biopharmaceutical Excellence (CBE) represents Australia’s leading consultants across the biopharmaceutical sector, providing strategic solutions, encouraging excellence and increasing efficiency for firms across the Asia Pacific. CBE has hands on experience across the highest levels of industry, providing specialist, synergistic consultancy services with deep expertise across all aspects of the product life-cycle, from technical services, project management to strategic planning. CBE is headquartered in Melbourne Australia with representatives in Sydney, Auckland, New Zealand and Hong Kong.
Rachel has held a number of senior positions within CSL across their diagnostics, antivenoms and plasma therapeutic businesses. Most recently leading the Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) Marketing function responsible for six therapeutic areas and prior to that established the New Product directorate that led the commercialisation of new products. She has headed a Diagnostic business unit, leading R&D, Manufacturing, Regulatory, Compliance and Commercial operations and its expansion into the Asia Pacific.
By combining a science background with a passion for business and commercialising new products, she balances the technical, patient and commercial realities. Rachel brings a strategic lens, while developing practical solutions, committed to developing both individuals and teams to achieve business goals. Her specialties are the development of strategy, the identification of commercial opportunities, use of insights and analytics in the preparation of business plans, marketing plans and brand strategy, new product launches, stakeholder management, tenders and contract negotiation. Based in Melbourne, Australia she has worked with companies in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, the United States and Europe.
Max Rossetto, General Manager, Business Development, Luina Bio
Max Rossetto is General Manager, Business Development at Luina Bio. During a career spanning over 20 years, Max has innovatively led business developments in both established and emerging global markets, for 3 multinational pharmaceutical services organisations. With an impressive background spearheading an array of lucrative companies, Max is now focused on expanding the market and global reach of Luina bio and its technology. Most recently, Max has joined the board of 2 biotechnology companies in Australia, by invitation.
A. Prof. Dominic Wall, Chief Scientific Officer & Interim CEO, Cell Therapies Pty Ltd
Associate Professor Dominic Wall is Peter Mac’s Executive Director of Business Ventures. This role provides leadership and management for programs and departments relating to both existing and emerging business ventures, as well the new Centre of Excellence in Cellular Immunotherapy which was established in 2019 with an $80 million contribution from the Commonwealth Government. This program intends to provide new means for Australian patients to access innovative cell based immunotherapy products such as CAR-T cells.
He is also the Chief Scientific Officer of Peter Mac’s majority owned and controlled independent and commercial business Cell Therapies Pty Ltd which provides specialised contract manufacturing and testing of cells for human therapy, predominantly in the field of cellular immunotherapy and gene therapy.
Dominic is responsible to provide the executive support for all of these businesses to flourish in a public hospital setting. Dominic has been directly involved in cell therapy manufacturing since the 1990s and was responsible for manufacturing Australia’s first CAR-T products in 2008. Cell Therapies has Australia’s only TGA licence for manufacturing of both commercial and clinical trial CAR-T products, and Dominic carries final accountability for quality and manufacturing of those products. He has also been involved in pathology service delivery since his training in London at the University of London School of Pathology at Middlesex & UCH, followed by a PhD at the University of Melbourne and a Founding Fellowship in the Faculty of Science in the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia.
Dr Leigh Farrell, Head of Health Security, DMTC Limited
Leigh has over 30 years’ experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry and is Head of Health Security at DMTC Limited.
Dr Farrell is a non-executive director of Pro Medicus Ltd, Axilia Therapeutics Pty Ltd, Ena Respiratory Pty Ltd, a member of the Medicines Australia’s Independent Advisory Council and a member of the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute Commercialisation Committee.
Leigh’s past appointments include: Senior Vice President, Commercial at Certara USA, Inc where he was responsible for Asia Pacific Commercial and global government engagement for the preparedness, planning and response to major health emergencies; Chairman & COO of d3 Medicine, LLC; Vice President of Business Development at Biota Pharmaceuticals, Associate Director GBS Venture Partners, Research Manager Johnson & Johnson Research and CEO of Gene Shears.
Dr Farrell is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.