The speakers at this BioBreakfast are the recipients of the 2019 BioMelbourne Network Women in Leadership Awards. These women, at different stage in their careers, have made outstanding contributions to advancing the biotechnology, medical technology and pharmaceutical sector and driving Victoria’s health industry.
At this BioBreakfast our speakers will be sharing their views on how their work enables and progresses innovation in the healthcare sector, what’s happening in Australia and beyond and on what their leadership journeys have been.
Date: Thursday 11th July, 2019
Time: 7:20am Registration, 7:30am Networking Breakfast, 8:00am – 9:00am Presentations and Discussion
Venue: The Royal Society of Victoria,8 La Trobe St, Melbourne

Dr Anna Lavelle, Chair, ANDHealth– Anna has forged a global pathwayAnna has forged a global pathway for Australia’s innovators to contribute to health solutions for patients and is an outstanding champion for the local biotechnology industry.
Associate Professor Clara Gaff, Executive Director, Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance – Clara has built her career thoughtfully and strategically and her commitment to supporting development of genomics in Victoria is truly inspiring.
Dr Evelyn Chan, CEO, Smileyscope – Evelyn is an enthusiastic entrepreneur and an emerging leader who has wholeheartedly dedicated her professional and personal time to furthering the development of products that have impact for patients.
Dr Anna Lavelle, Chair, ANDHealth
Dr Anna Lavelle is an experienced non-executive director serving for over 25 years on the boards of not-for-profit, government and for-profit entities. As executive director, or non-executive director, she has been continuously developing strong governance skills and in particular, has a lengthy track record in healthcare delivery, technology development and industry policy.
Anna has spent the better part of 25 years working actively within and campaigning for the growth and expansion of our life sciences and medical technologies sector. She has a PhD in genetics from The University of Melbourne and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Anna is also a Fellow of the Academy of Technology Science and Engineering, a Fellow of the Leadership Victoria Program and a member of the National Health and Medical Research Council Health Innovation Advisory Committee.
Her time at AusBiotech as CEO was extraordinary, with substantial pieces of policy change effectively championed throughout her tenure, including the R&D Tax Incentive. She is also the only Australian to be recognised by Nature Scientific America, World View, which in 2015 ranked Anna in the global top 100 World Visionaries in biotechnology.
Anna has shown an ability to add clear value to organisations, both large and small, and her ability to cross the executive and non-executive divide, appropriately, set her apart. She is unfailingly honest, ethical and demonstrates a level of integrity and authenticity which is often lacking in today’s corporate leaders.
Associate Professor Clara Gaff, Executive Director, Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance
associate Professor Clara Gaff is Executive Director of Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance, a collaboration between 10 leading organisations dedicated to building a genomics-ready healthcare system in Victoria*. This collaborative and clinically-driven initiative has become the gold standard for successful introduction of new health technology nationally and around the globe.
Clara is also a leader on the national initiative Australian Genomics Health Alliance, sitting on the National Steering Committee and co-leading the Education and Workforce Development Program.
Clara’s direct involvement in patient care and knowledge translation has enabled her to bring a unique perspective and skill set to tackle the many interlinked challenges of bringing genomics into healthcare. Her diverse experience includes roles in genetic counselling, management of genetic services, health professional education, and strategic development in Australia and the UK, in public health, government, academic and not-for-profit sectors.
Clara was named the inaugural recipient of the National Society of Genetic Counselors’ (USA) International Leadership Award. She is an internationally acknowledged expert in genomic healthcare and a member of numerous expert advisory groups, including the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health’s Regulatory Ethics Working Group, the European Journal of Human Genetics’ Editorial Board and the NHMRC’s Australian Health Ethics Committee and Health Translation Advisory Committee.
An Honorary Principal Research Fellow at the Departments of Medicine and Paediatrics at The University of Melbourne, Clara holds a PhD in molecular genetics, as well as certification in genetic counselling and postgraduate qualifications in health service research and evaluation.
*The 10 members of the Melbourne Genomics Health Alliance are: The Royal Melbourne Hospital, The Royal Children’s Hospital, The University of Melbourne, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, CSIRO, The Australian Genome Research Facility, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Austin Health and Monash Health. The Alliance’s work is funded by the Victorian Government and the 10 Alliance members
Dr Evelyn Chan, CEO, Smileyscope
Dr Evelyn Chan is a pediatrician who is passionate about transforming children’s healthcare.
She completed her Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery with Honours at Monash University, then trained and worked in paediatrics at The Royal Children’s Hospital, The Royal Women’s Hospital and Eastern Health in Melbourne.
Evelyn received a Rhodes Scholarship to study medical anthropology and public health at the University of Oxford. She focused her research on effective translation and delivery of healthcare across cultures and geographies.
Evelyn worked at the Boston Consulting Group, specialising in public sector and healthcare strategy. During this time, she led the Young Leaders Program for at-risk teens, and pro-bono work for Jawun Indigenous Initiative.
She’s now a ‘doctorprenuer’, as the CEO and co-founder of Smileyscope. Smileyscope transforms paediatric needle procedures through patient-centred VR. This decreases patient pain and anxiety, makes it quicker and safer for clinicians. Smileyscope grew out of Evelyn’s own clinical experience and has won national awards in healthcare, design and innovation.
She is innovative in her approach to partnering, securing Google to provide goggles and phones at low cost, contracting VR producers who had worked for Sesame Street and Disney to produce content and engaging clinicians to trial Smileyscope.
Evelyn’s passion for her work and her ability to call on her professional background as well as her experiences from her extracurricular roles, demonstrates her leadership capabilities and her interest in sharing her knowledge and skill.
Evelyn invites you to share Smileyscope’s vision to make healthcare a better place for all.