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MedTechVic futuremap® workshop – Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions, Clayton

June 24, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 1:30 pm AEST


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Are you ready to take your business to the next level, but unsure what that looks like? Start your digital transformation journey towards Industry 4.0 with us!

To remain competitive Australian manufacturers need to think about their business in new ways. Going digital is becoming imperative for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in manufacturing and process related industries. 

If you are a Healthtech SME (or in lab processing and testing, traditional device manufacturers, pharma, biopharma or suppliers into these industries) digital is becoming a necessity. Business model innovation and leadership, enabled by digital technologies can change the way companies create and capture value while developing a mindset of continuous improvement. 

Packed with industry examples and developed specifically for business owners and senior executives in a manufacturing or process related industry, these FREE futuremap® interactive workshops incorporate a self-diagnostic tool that helps generate a holistic view of your business and provoke thinking.

This workshop will: 

  • help you think differently about the opportunities and challenges of digital manufacturing; 
  • map the current state of your business with respect to capabilities and characteristics vital for future competitiveness and success, and compare this to where you aspire to be in two years time; 
  • assist in identifying the primary gaps between your current state and your aspirations, which will help you develop key areas of focus and potential investment; 
  • provide guidance for next steps and help identify where assistance can be sought to support you on your transition into digital manufacturing. 

Prepare to be inspired, to learn and grow during your futuremap® workshop!

Who is it for?
Business owners and senior executives (e.g. General Managers, CEOs) of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in a Victorian Healthtech manufacturing or process related industry. 

What will I get from it?
At the end of this 2.5 hour workshop, you will be provided with a customised futuremap® report identifying growth opportunities, areas of improvement and introduced to resources that can guide you along your continuous improvement journey.  

Clayton futuremap® — transforming Manufacturing with Industry 4.0
This event includes a private facility tour of Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions (BAMS) and an optional extra tour of the Bosch Diode Manufacturing Facility.

Venue: Bosch Australia Manufacturing Solutions, 1555 Centre Road, Clayton
Date: Friday 24 June 2022
Time: 8.30am – 1.30pm AEDT, including lunch and tour of BAMS facility
Registration: Free
Included tour: Bosch’s Automation Centre of Excellence, BAMS facility tour (25 minutes) 
Optional tour: Diode manufacturing facility tour (20 minutes)

Two options – attendees can choose to attend this tour before the workshop at 8:00am – 8:20am (this timeslot is now fully booked),
or after the BAMs facility tour at 1:00pm – 1:20pm (this timeslot is now fully booked).
Please note if you booked into the early tour (8:00am), you will need to arrive at the venue at 7:50am for registration. 

Workshop Presenters:
Vikram Sachdeva – Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Hub, Swinburne University
Vince Lorefice – Consultant, Advanced Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Hub, Swinburne University

Who is Medical Technology Victoria (MedTechVic)
MedTechVic is an initiative of Swinburne University of Technology. Together with our partners, we are working across design, digitalisation and manufacture of customisable medical and assistive devices, ensuring new medical and enabling technologies are shaped by the people who need them. 

MedTechVic works to support and connect individuals and organisations across the assistive and medical device sector in Victoria, ensuring rapid clinical and technical validation, prototyping and manufacturing of new ideas. Our goal is to bring together individuals with lived disability, their carers, allied health and clinical professionals, engineers, designers and industry to co-create products and services that enhance lives. 

Partnering with companies, start-ups, accelerators and people with specific needs, we drive new opportunities for both the users and suppliers of these technologies. We are also developing community and workforce skills to engage in the development of new technologies and services. There is a growing global market for customisable medical and assistive devices, and Victoria is well placed to create a strong pipeline to develop and deliver innovative, scalable devices to meet this expanding need. 

MedTech manufacturing 4.0 business readiness program
Swinburne University’s Advanced Manufacturing Industry 4.0 Hub in association with BioMelbourne Network will deliver bespoke business readiness programs to support small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises moving into the MedTech sector, and digital innovation support for companies already operating in the market. 

The program assists in building viable business plans for digitalisation of manufacturing capability. This promotes and ultimately leads to development of a local, digitalised manufacturing sector that’s able to rapidly adapt to the changing needs of the local and global device sector, and participation in global supply chains of healthcare products. 

Hosted by:



June 24, 2022
8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Event Category:


BioMelbourne Network
+61 3 9667 8181


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