This is Session 3 in the BioBusiness Insights: Opportunities in Regenerative Medicine series. Find out more about the full series.
Asia is one of the most rapidly growing markets in the world, with significant influence in the regenerative medicine industry. But there are still many obstacles to overcome on the pathway to commercialisation.
In this session, Professor So Ra Park, Strategic Centre for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM), will provide an overview of the Korean stem cell & regenerative medicine market, giving insight into the strength and size of the market, the opportunities and challenges that exist, and how best to navigate the market towards accelerated commercialisation of novel technologies.
Professor Park will be joined by Julie Quinn, Head of Healthcare Centre of Excellence and STC (designate) South Korea, Austrade for a Q&A discussion on global trade with South Korea.
Session 3 Details
Date: Thursday 27 August 2020
Time: 9:00 am – 10:00 am AEST
Format: This event will be delivered on a virtual platform – you will receive a link to join via a confirmation email following registration.
Single session: Members $35; Non-members $45
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Registered? Submit a question for Session 3 ahead of time.
Professor So Ra Park, Centre Head, Strategic Centre for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM), South Korea
Julie Quinn, Head of Healthcare Centre of Excellence and STC (designate) South Korea at Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Series Facilitator
Silvio Tiziani, CEO, CCRM Australia
Thanks to our Premier Sponsor for this event series, the State Government of Victoria.

Thanks to our Supporting Sponsor for this event series, Cortellis.

BioBusiness Insights is delivered in collaboration with the Centre for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) Australia.

Professor So Ra Park, Centre Head, Strategic Centre for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM), South Korea
Dr. So Ra Park is a professor of physiology at School of Medicine, Inha University since 1991. She is also a director of Strategic Center for Regenerative Medicine (SCRM, formerly known as GSRAC), funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare since 2012.
The SCRM is a think tank which provides advice to the Korean government regarding of investment, regulation and R&D strategies in advanced regenerative medicine field. As a director of SCRM, she is also actively engaged in advisory committees on healthcare and advanced regenerative medicine related field in South Korea. She got BA, MD, PhD in Physiology at Yeonsei University, South Korea.
Julie Quinn, Head of Healthcare Centre of Excellence and STC (designate) South Korea at Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade)
Julie Quinn joined Austrade in April 2020, and is leading the Austrade Centre of Excellence in Healthcare to provide health sector expertise and connections across the Austrade global network.
Prior to joining Austrade, Julie managed a $50 million project funded by the Australian Research Council to develop a bionic eye. As General Manager of the Government-funded Joint Venture, she provided leadership of a project that spanned eight universities and institutes. She transitioned to CEO and Managing Director of Bionic Vision Technologies Pty Ltd.
Julie has held leadership roles across the biotechnology industry, from an Australian manufacturer of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies through managing teams in the academic sector including the University of Melbourne and the Florey Neuroscience Institutes. Until recently, Julie was on the board of the Australian Phenomics Network, an NCRIS-funded national system of research facilities and expertise enabling biomedical discovery and translation.
Silvio Tiziani, CEO, CCRM Australia
Silvio Tiziani has played a key role in the establishment of Centre for Commercialisation of Regenerative Medicine (CCRM) Australia with the support of Canada’s CCRM, the Victorian Government and MTPConnect. Silvio is also Director, External Strategy and Planning at the Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI). Silvio’s extensive knowledge of the research landscape is well utilised with his networks within the industry, international organisations and state and federal governments.
Silvio has extensive experience in private and public organisations, with a focus on laboratory-based services in government, private organisations, healthcare and research/academia.
In addition to qualifications that include a Bachelor of Science from Swinburne University and a Masters of Business Administration from Monash University, Silvio is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). Silvio has extensive experience in financial analysis and budget management, business development, strategic planning and corporate governance along with strong interpersonal skills to lead staff.
Silvio also chairs the Ausbiotech Regenerative Medicine Advisory Group. Comprising leading representatives from industry and academia within the Australian regenerative medicine the Group provides specialist advice to Ausbiotech, Australia’s member-based biotechnology organisation, a peak body that promotes the global growth of Australian biotechnology.