BioMelbourne News

Andrew Maxwell joins BioMelbourne Network Board

The BioMelbourne network is delighted to be able to announce that Andrew Maxwell is joining our Board of Directors as of this month. As the Managing Director of Chatsworth Associates, Andrew has worked with innovators, entrepreneurs and established…

Nature 2016 Research Translation and Innovation Symposium (August 2016)

August 2016 Leadership | Culture | Communication | Collaboration | Human Capital | Scale These were the strong themes emerging from the Nature 2016 Research Translation and Innovation Symposium held in Canberra last week on Thursday 11th of…

Medtech Trade Mission Going Ahead – Limited Places Still Available!

BioMelbourne Network, on behalf of the State Government of Victoria, is leading a major Medtech Mission to the United States including AdvaMed 2016 – the largest annual medical technology conference on the US calendar. There are still limited…

BioMelbourne Network Members Invited to Meet with International Medtronic Diabetes Representative

US based Medtronic representative, Dr Huzefa Neemuchwala, will be in Melbourne this month.  BioMelbourne Network member organisations are invited to meet with Dr Neemuchwala. Interested organisations, please contact Dr Krystal Evans on 9667 6161 Dr Huzefa Neemuchwala, PhD MBA,…

FULLY BOOKED – Free Seminar with Dr Gerald Chan – The Role of Universities in the Innovation Ecosystem

THIS SEMINAR IS FULLY BOOKED The BioMelbourne Network and Biomedical Research Victoria present international guest speaker, Dr Gerald Chan, CEO, Morningside, USA Free Seminar:  The Role of Universities in the Innovation Ecosystem With Australia’s changing economy, the role of universities…

Launch Vic Collaboration (July 2016)

July 2016 BioMelbourne Network CEO, Dr Krystal Evans, met with the CEO of Launch Vic Dr Pradeep Philip to discuss ways to support start-ups and entrepreneurial activity in the biotech, medtech and pharma sector. The goals of Launch…

Meeting with the Hon Wade Noonan MP

July 2016 BioMelbourne Network CEO, Dr Krystal Evans and Chair, Mr Andrew Carter held an introductory meeting with the Hon Wade Noonan, Minister for Industry and Employment. Minister Noonan was appointed into this role in May and has…

Two new strategies launched (July 2016)

July 2016 In July, Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy launched two new government strategies: Victoria’s Health and Medical Research Strategy 2016-20: Healthier lives, stronger economy Victoria’s International Health Strategy 2016 – 2020: Partnering for a healthy and prosperous future…

Gender Equality and Innovation (April 2016)

18 April 2016 It’s time to do things differently in Australia and be bolder in our commitment to diversity, says CEO of the BioMelbourne Network Dr Krystal Evans. SCIENCE MEETS BUSINESS Though Leadership Series.  Click here for full…

Federal Budget: Scientists Push for More Research Funding

April 2016 Dr Krystal Evans – CEO, BioMelbourne Network comments in Sydney Morning Herald article: The May budget is shaping as a crucial test of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s innovation credentials, with leading Australian scientists urging his government to move beyond slogans and invest…

NISA Engagement and Impact Assessment Consultation Paper

June 2016 BioMelbourne Network welcomed the opportunity to contribute a submission in response to the National Innovation & Science Agenda (NISA) Engagement and Impact Assessment Consultation Paper. Research engagement and impact is a very important issue for BioMelbourne…

Response to Medical Technology and Pharmaceuticals Discussion Paper

September 2015 In September 2015, BioMelbourne Network welcomed the opportunity to contribute to the Medical Technology and Pharmaceuticals Discussion Paper produced by the Victorian Government’s Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources. This Paper formed part of…


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