BioMelbourne News

2018 state election priorities

Health industry priorities for Victoria Victoria is the state that will change the future of health. The health industry is the industrial sector that encompasses biotechnology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals and digital healthcare that enables research and development as…

Recap: Meet the Minister – a ‘fireside chat’ with Philip Dalidakis, MP

This BioMelbourne Network event recap was written by our Marketing and Communication Assistant, Ms Michelle Steeper. Leaders of Victoria’s health industry joined a Town Hall conversation with the Minister for Innovation and Digital Economy, Hon Philip Dalidakis, MP on…

BioMelbourne Network opposes cuts to the R&D Tax Incentive

5 November 2018 BioMelbourne Network has made a submission to the Senate Inquiry regarding the changes to the R&D Tax Incentive as outlined in the Treasury Laws Amendment. BioMelbourne Network is opposed to the proposed changes to the…

Recap: Meet the Shadow Minister – a ‘fireside chat’ with David Southwick, MP

This BioMelbourne Network event recap was written by our Policy and Research Officer, Dr Kim Pham. Industry leaders, innovators, peak bodies and ASX-listed companies in the health industry recently participated in a Town Hall conversation with Shadow Minister for…

Calls to back the health industry for Victoria’s future

BioMelbourne Network is challenging state election candidates to adopt initiatives that make the health industry a top economic priority for Victoria.

Invention, connection, trust – key ingredients for curating innovation communities

BioMelbourne Network and The Royal Society of Victoria recently hosted the BioBreakfast Curating Innovation Communities featuring the recipients of the 2018 Women in Leadership Awards. One of our volunteers, Aleisha Symon, wrote the following summary of the event. Aleisha is…

Joint statement: The health industry as an economic priority for Victoria

September 2018 Victoria has world-leading competitive advantages in the health industry, which encompasses health and medical research, biotechnology, medical technology, pharmaceuticals, digital health, healthcare delivery, global health and health services. Victoria’s healthcare sector contributes to more than $30…

Location, location, translation: key messages from the Biotech Development Lab

Last Friday, BioMelbourne Network hosted the Molecules, Medicines and Markets Biotech Development Lab. One of our volunteers, Emma Wanicek, wrote the following summary of the event. Emma is a Research Assistant in the HIV Neuropathogenesis Laboratory in the Chronic Infectious and…

BioMelbourne Network submission regarding R&D Tax Incentive

August 2018 On behalf of the members, BioMelbourne Network has made a submission to Treasury regarding the proposed changes to the R&D Tax Incentive. In terms of our overall consideration of the proposed changes to the R&D Tax…

Women Leading World-Class Health Innovation in Melbourne

Victoria grows globally competitive innovation-intensive companies. Innovation is a people-driven process that thrives on diverse thinking and views. Now that business is embracing the performance-based argument, successful women in and those aspiring towards leadership roles need recognition to…

Australia is backing health innovation industries to build future economy

Announced in the federal budget last night, the 21st century National Medical Industry Growth Plan will deliver $1.3 billion to support Australia as a global health innovation leader in medical technology, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals while improving health outcomes for…

New BioMelbourne Network Board Appointment – David Herd

The BioMelbourne Network Board was delighted to welcome David Herd as new Board Director at the most recent board meeting.  “BioMelbourne is a very active and positive contributor to shaping many aspects of our Industry and I am…


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