Posted 8 December
BioMelbourne Network acknowledges and expresses its gratitude to the Minister for Health and Aged Care, The Honourable Greg Hunt MP, who has announced his retirement from politics prior to the next Federal election.
Greg was elected as the Federal Member for Flinders in 2001 and became Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for the Environment and Heritage and then Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs. He served as Minister for Health from January 2017.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic he has displayed strong leadership in all aspects of health and security in relation to many critically important decisions including testing protocols and facilities, purchasing and distribution of vaccines and therapeutics and ensuring that medical personal had the supporting amenities to keep staff and patients safe and cared for.
Recently he showed his commitment to the continued fight against AIDS when, on World AIDS Day, he announced over $50 million in new funding to extend access to HIV treatment in Australia, across communities previously ineligible to access PBS medicines.
He implemented the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, leading to a report that offered significant recommendations to the Government that have the potential to positively affect the lives of many Australians living in aged care, both now and in the future.
Minister Hunt had a short but influential role as Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science from July 2016 to January 2017. His representation of the Healthtech sector, his understanding of the needs of early-stage companies and his support of the R&D Tax Credit were greatly appreciated.
Most recently, he has facilitated a landmark agreement to bring forward innovative medicines in a timely and equitable manner, which will provide significant benefits to Australian patients. He also supported a refinement in the evaluation processes of the TGA to improve timely access and has consistently supported the listings of numerous medicines and vaccines on the PBS and National Immunisation Program to the benefit of many patients and communities in Australia.
The Minister’s door was always open, he was a great advocate for our Industry, understood the importance and value of science and the impact of medicines on improving and protecting lives.
In addition to his Federal responsibilities, he was also a very active, engaged and committed representative of his local community in Flinders.
BioMelbourne Network wishes Minister Hunt and his family all the best for the future and sincerely thanks him for his services to the Australian community.