Noxopharm: ASCO 2020 Highlights NOX66 Potential in Late-Stage Cancer

1 June 2020


  • NOX66 (Veyonda®) clinical data released to world-wide audience
  • Anti-cancer responses (tumor size and pain responses) observed in approximately two-thirds of men with end-stage prostate cancer
  • Abscopal responses in approximately one-quarter of men with end-stage prostate cancer
  • Industry data presented at ASCO supports NOX confidence in prominent position of NOX66
  • Data to be discussed in a Webcast later this week

Noxopharm (ASX: NOX) today reports on the public release at a global oncology conference of 2 sets of clinical data relating to the development of NOX66 (Veyonda®) as a treatment of end-stage cancer.

The data was presented to the 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Virtual Annual Meeting. ASCO is the premier annual scientific event in the oncology field globally, providing an opportunity for Noxopharm, the pharmaceutical industry and the investment market to yardstick NOX66 against competitive therapies in end-stage prostate cancer.

Graham Kelly PhD, Noxopharm CEO and Executive Chairman, said, “Industry reports at this year’s ASCO conference confirm the Company’s confidence in NOX66 being poised to make a significant contribution to cancer therapy. ASCO annual conferences provide a valuable snapshot of emerging cancer therapies and this year there are 120 clinical presentations relating to prostate cancer. The conference take-out message continues to be that prostate cancer, once it becomes metastatic and hormone-insensitive, remains poorly responsive to further therapy. That end-stage condition is what we are developing NOX66 for.”

“We have been unaware for some time of any therapies under development that come close to offering an anti-cancer effect to anything like the same degree that we are seeing with NOX66, and in particular delivering this level of benefit in a well-tolerated, minimally invasive and cost-effective manner. In the context of what has been reported at ASCO 2020, the high response rates we are seeing with NOX66 in both the DARRT and LuPIN programs mark NOX66 as a major drug prospect.”

An estimated 300,000 men die each year worldwide from prostate cancer after exhausting available treatment options and that is a number that looks set to rise with increasing longevity. Add to that the generally high pain levels associated with the typical spread of prostate cancer to bone, and the need for a last-line treatment offering a meaningful effect once everything else has failed becomes compelling.

View the data and read the full ASX announcement. 


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