2023 Insider Report

Posted: 28 November 2023

About Insider Report

Welcome to the 2023 Insider Report, where you can find out what we’re doing to support the healthtech industry in Victoria.

Here is the latest information about our work in these five strategic areas:

  1. Data and insights
  2. Identifying opportunities
  3. Advocacy
  4. Healthtech industry development
  5. Sector promotion.

These initiatives form part of our three-year strategic plan which was launched in August 2021.

In the Insider Report, we provide an overview of what we have accomplished, what we are working on and what we see on the horizon. You’ll also find opportunities to engage, volunteer, join advisory panels and working groups, participate in Trade Missions, advocate for the healthtech industry and other activities that help strengthen your organisation and the ecosystem in Victoria.

Click a tile below to read about a BioMelbourne Network activity:





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